20 Mart 2020 Cuma

Yeni Koronavirüs Hastalığı Nedir?

coronavirus belirtileri ve tedavisi


El yıkama ve kişisel hijyen önlemleri COVID-19 ( Yeni Koronavirüs Hastalığı) dan korunmada en önemli yöntemlerdendir.

Yeni Koronavirüs Hastalığı Nedir?

Yeni Koronavirüs (COVID-19), ilk olarak Çin’in Vuhan Eyaleti’nde Aralık ayının sonlarında solunum yolu belirtileri (ateş, öksürük, nefes darlığı) gelişen bir grup hastada yapılan araştırmalar sonucunda 13 Ocak 2020’de tanımlanan bir virüstür.

Yeni Koronavirüs Hastalığı Belirtileri Nelerdir?

Kişiler şunlarla karşılaşabilir:
Burun akıntısı
Boğaz ağrısı
Nefes almada zorluk (ağır vakalarda)

Belirtisiz olgular olabileceği bildirilmekle birlikte, bunların oranı bilinmemektedir.
En çok karşılaşılan belirtiler ateş, öksürük ve nefes darlığıdır.
Şiddetli olgularda zatürre, ağır solunum yetmezliği,
böbrek yetmezliği ve ölüm gelişebilmektedir.

Yeni Koronavirüs Hastalığı Nasıl Bulaşır?

Hasta bireylerin öksürmeleri aksırmaları ile ortama saçılan damlacıkların solunması ile bulaşır. Hastaların solunum parçacıkları ile kirlenmiş yüzeylere dokunulduktan sonra ellerin yıkanmadan yüz, göz, burun veya ağıza götürülmesi ile de virüs alınabilir. Kirli ellerle göz, burun veya ağıza temas etmek risklidir.

Yeni Koronavirüs Hastalığı Tanı Nasıl Konur?

Yeni Koronavirüs tanısı için gerekli moleküler testler ülkemizde mevcuttur. Tanı testi sadece Halk Sağlığı Genel Müdürlüğü Ulusal Viroloji Referans Laboratuvarında ve belirlenmiş Halk Sağlığı Laboratuvarlarında yapılmaktadır.

Yeni Koronavirüs Hastalığına Yakalanmamak İçin Öneriler

Mümkün olduğu kadar yurtdışına yolculuk yapılmaması önerilmektedir.  Yurtdışına çıkışın zorunlu olduğu durumlarda aşağıdaki kurallara dikkat edilmelidir:

Akut solunum yolu enfeksiyonlarının genel bulaşma riskini azaltmak için önerilen temel ilkeler Yeni Koronavirüs (COVID-19) için de geçerlidir.


1- Ellerinizi sık sık su ve sabun ile en az 20 saniye boyunca ovarak yıkayın.
2- Soğuk algınlığı belirtileri gösteren kişilerle aranıza en az 3-4 adım mesafe koyun.
3- Bulunduğunuz ortamları sık sık havalandırın
4- Kıyafetlerinizi 60-90 derece normal deterjanla yıkayın.
5- Ateş, öksürük, nefes darlığı gibi şikâyetleriniz varsa, maske takarak bir sağlık kuruluşuna başvurun.
6- Öksürme ve hapşırma arasında ağız ve burunu tek kullanımlık mendille kapatın, mendil yoksa dirseğin iç kısmını kullanın.
7- Yurtdışı seyahatlerinizi iptal edin ya da erteleyin.
8- Kapı kolları, armatürler, lavabolar gibi sık kullandığınız yüzeyleri su ve detarjanla her gün temizleyin.
9- Tokalaşma, sarılma gibi yakın temaslardan kaçının.
10- Soğuk algınlığı belirtileriniz varsa yaşlılar ve kronik hastalarla temas etmeyin, maske takmadan dışarı çıkmayın.
11- Ellerinizle gözlerinize, ağzınıza ve burnunuza dokunmayın.
12- Yurt dışından dönüşte ilk 14 günü evinizde geçirin.
13- Hiçbir kişisel eşyanızı (havlu gibi gündelik eşyaları) ortak kullanmayın.
14- Bol sıvı tüketin, dengeli beslenin, uyku düzeninize dikkat edin.

Coronavirüste riskli kişiler kimlerdir?

Özellikle yaşlılarda, kanser ya da bağışıklığı baskılayan hastalıkları olanlarda, akciğer hastalıkları bulunanlarda bu tablo daha da ağır seyrediyor. Covid 19 nedeniyle yaşamını yitirenlerin tamamında altta yatan farklı hastalıkların varlığının söz konusu olduğu söylenebilir.

Koronavirüs kuluçka süresi ne kadardır?

Koronavirüs (Covid19)  vakalarının MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV epidemiyoloji bilgisine göre 14 güne kadar olabileceği düşünülmekte. Şu ana kadar yayımlanmış olan bilimsel yayınlara göre kabul edilen inkübasyon süresi 2-14 gün arasındadır. Nitekim yeni tip koronavirüsün (kovid19) kuluçka süresi insanlarda sıklıkla görülen grip ve soğuk algınlığı kaynaklı hastalıkların kuluçka süresinden çok daha uzun sürer.

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8 Mart 2020 Pazar

Good Night Wishes for Best Friend

Good Night Messages For Friends Wishes and Quotes

Looking for Good Night Messages for Her? Send her that romantic good night message.  All a woman is looking for is a lovely man that can be her night smooth.

It’s very important to put a smile on her before she goes to bed at night. It will make her think of you and know that she is still in your thoughts.

Here are the best goodnight wishes and messages to greet your friends a very special good night and cherish all the crazy things you do together. So don’t miss to wish your bestie good night before they head to bed tonight and let them know that you are praying for them a special dream.

It feels great to have someone to wish good night before we go to sleep. For me, it’s a double pleasure because that someone is my best friend. Good night!

All I want is to wish you is a good night because my friend, you are the very last thought on my mind before I go to sleep!

Thank you for giving me all your time today. Now your bed is waiting for you. Go now and feel the warmth of her body. Good night!

May the sweetest dreams guide you through this night, and your morning be the happiest of all. I love you and miss you, bud. Have a very good night! 

I’m texting to wish you sweet dreams only. Sleep tight, buddy, and may the great harmony find your heart and mind. See you as soon as possible! Have a good night! 

I hope that you will be sleeping well tonight, fella. I will do my best to appear in your dreams and make you laugh till your stomach hurts. Have a very good night, bud!

Fluffy pillows and cozy covers, beautiful dreams, and the warmest snuggles. May your dreams are full of wonderful thoughts and lovely things.

Stop thinking about all the things people said to hurt your feelings. Just hold on tightly to the memories of all the times someone made you smile. Good night.

As the sun sets, lovers, send each other hug and kisses while friends send each other luck and wishes. I hope that this night brings you luck which helps you fulfill all the dreams that your dreams. Good night.

Real friendship is where quirks are celebrated, eccentricities are applauded and idiosyncrasies are flaunted. Ours is exactly like that. Good night.

Sometimes I miss you so much that I go through our old photos to make this sadness go away, but it makes me even sadder! Life with you is so much better, buddy. Can’t wait to see you again. Goodnight!

Just as the moon lights up the sky when it is dark, you light up my life with your advice when I am going through difficult times. May you rest quiet dear friend, goodnight.

As the light goes dim and the world goes silent let your eyes and body take some rest. Make sure to make it sweet and sound. Good Night.

Even the melancholy of a dark and lonely night transforms into a sweet harmony when I think about the memories of our friendship. Good night.

The memories of our friendship are like the radiance of the moon and the fun times we’ve had together are like the twinkle of the stars that light up my life’s skies. Good night.

Let’s go to sleep my friend, we are pleased to have given all our efforts during this day, I know that tomorrow is a new opportunity and we will do our best. Sweet dreams.

Thank you God for giving me these precious gifts: my friends. Look after them while sleeping because I want to spend another day with them. Good night chums!

My friend, you are the light in my dark, the smooth in my roughs. The correct in my wrong, the easy in my toughs. The bright in my dull, the good in my bad. The smile in my frowns, the happy in my sad. Good night.

No sleepless night can bother my friend! I will fight every nightmare so you could sleep in peace. Miss you like crazy! Goodnight!

Good night, sleep tight. I hope that you will sleep well and be energetic in the morning.

Every time you close your eyes and fall asleep, may you have only good dreams. And every time you open your eyes in the morning, may the reality be also great! Good night.

Our friendship is brighter than the moonlight. Because the moon only appears in the night. But our friendship remains 24 hours. Good night buddy.

May the angels from heaven bring the sweetest of all dreams for you. May you have long and blissful sleep full of happy dreams. Good night my friend!

Thanks for calling me and talking with me till late night. Now, you need a good sleep. Good night my friend.

Have all the rest of your life tonight because tomorrow, we are going to have a hell of a day. Good night my friend. See you tomorrow.

I am very much thankful to my God. Because He gave me the most amazing person as a friend. It’s you, dear. Good night my friend.

When the night comes, we may not be with each other anymore. But the warmth of our friendship is always there to comfort us. Good night my friend.

It feels really great to have a friend like you who I can always count on. Good night, sleep tight.

I can’t believe that this long day has come to an end. After all, wishing you to rest and recover. Sleep is necessary for our beauty!

A really good night is when neighbours are calm and their dog is not barking all night long. I wish that nothing could interrupt your precious sleep, until the morning sun shows up. Good night!

Are you ready for a sleep? Don’t hurry and let me wish you sweet dreams. Hug you.

I know I take you for granted every now and then even though you are my bestie, but being alone every night reminds me of how precious you are to me.

I will be someone who’ll help you shave the dark clouds and search for the stars in the darkest of your life. Good night buddy!

Sometimes I am goofy, but don’t ever think that I don’t care. No matter what, for you, I will always be there. Good night.

Goodnight it is to you my friend you’re the star that God has to send shining brightly on the dark sky leaving me with a warm smile.

When I say good night to special friends like you, it is an all-in-one wish which means Good Night, Sweet Dreams, I Miss You and See You Soon.

A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a friend like you. Making my everyday seems so great. Thank you, my friend, lastly. Good Night and Sweet Dreams.

I lasted a day without you, but it’s not as happy as those days when I’m with you. I miss you, friends! Hoping to see you tomorrow. Good night!

No need to be upset for any reason in life ever because I’m always here to have your back. Good night dear friend!

Thank you for having my back. You are a valuable friend to me. Have the sweetest dreams in your slumber. Goodnight.

You must be feeling so tired after an entire day of listening to all my useless words. It’s time to sleep now. Wish you have the best sleep and the sweetest dreams of your life. Good night.

When I wake up in the morning, I know my day is going to be great because I have a friend like you who can make my days special. Good night and rest tight!

The night is dark and long. I wish you a peaceful sleep which will take away all the tiredness. Good night dear. Have a sweet dream.

Dear best friend, you are the most beautiful minded person I have ever met. I wish you a very charming and peaceful night. Good night dear.

May an amazing day be followed by a really good night. May all the troubles and concerns just go away for a while and don’t disturb you in your sleep. May this night bring you rest and tranquillity. Good night!

Good night. These two simple words really make difference, because they mean that you’re not alone and there’s always someone who guards your sleep. Sleep tight and don’t worry about a thing.

We are so exhausted at day’s end that the only thing we really want is to get into the bed and hear somebody wishing us good night. Well, good night!

In this beautiful night, I am sending a charming message to a charming person. Goodnight dear best friend. Have nice sleep.

Enjoy the night and think about your life. You are a special gift from God. I wish you a wonderful night. Have a sound sleep dear.

I am lucky that I have found a friend like you. I am sending this message with lots of love. Good night friend. Have a sweet dream.

You know God has given us the night to remove our stress, sadness, and tiredness. So utilize the time. Go to sleep and relax. Good night dear.

We did not meet by chance but because fate wanted us to. You are the person who understands me and helps me at all times and at difficult moments. Thank you for being my best friend, may you have sweet dreams.

Even if I had a bad start with my day, spending it with you magically turns it into a bright day. Good night my best friend!

This night is so bright and full of stars. May you have a dream as beautiful as this night. Kisses!

Saying “good night” is such a great bedtime ritual. I think people should say it more often, because these words are able to dismiss all the nightmares and give calm and peaceful sleep.

I could have sent you a funny joke, inspirational quote or a sweet message. But I have chosen to simply remind you that we are best friends… because our friendship itself makes our lives FUNNY, INSPIRATIONAL and SWEET. Good night.

Every night I go to sleep very happy because thanks to you I have very special moments. You have become my best friend and I appreciate it. May you rest so you can recharge your energies.

You will only be able to enjoy your night if you stop thinking about yesterday and stop worrying about tomorrow. So sleep tight and immerse yourself in your favorite dream. Good night.

Whenever I feel bogged down by life’s worries, I simply dive into the beautifully endless abyss of our friendship’s memories. Good night.

Use every second of the night to dream about all that you want to achieve in life and use every second of the following day to achieve every dream you saw the last night. Good night my friend.

Thank you for everything you did for me today, you are a great person and I value your friendship, have a good night sleep that tomorrow we will have new challenges to face.

Every night is like a refresh button in your life. When you go to sleep, you press refresh and give yourself a chance to start afresh the next day. Good night friends.

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7 Mart 2020 Cumartesi

Funny Good Night Messages

You may use these Funny Good Night Messages to make a funny good night wish to your desired one!
Looking for Good Night Messages for Her? Send her that romantic good night message.  All a woman is looking for is a lovely man that can be her night smooth.

It’s very important to put a smile on her before she goes to bed at night. It will make her think of you and know that she is still in your thoughts.

Thinking about you mode activated! Missing you in progress! If you are awake reply to deactivate thinking mode. Good night!

Let the most beautiful dream come to you tonight, Let the sweetest person come in your dream tonight but don’t make it a habit, Because I’m not free every night, Good Night!

The good people sleep much better at night than the bad people. Of course, the bad people enjoy the waking hours much more. Good night!

Do you know why we close our eyes? When we pray, when we cry, when we dream? Because the most beautiful things in life are unseen and felt by the heart only, Goodnight my love.

I wish I could be the moon. I would give anything to watch you sleep. Your beauty is unparalleled and makes the North star seem dim. May your dreams be wonderful and your rest be plentiful.

Welcome to Sweet Dreams airlines. We’ll be shortly arriving at Dreamland. Fasten blankets, puff the pillow, close your eyes & get ready to doze off! Good Night!

Don’t forget to brush your teeth and wash your hand and face before sleeping. You have to meet me tomorrow. So go to the washroom. Good night buddy.

If you feel lonely don’t worry. I am here to disturb you all the time. Now sleep well. Good night dear. Have a wonderful scary dream!

I used up all my energy in laughing all day! You’re all fantastic! Let’s recharge for we need more energy tomorrow. Good night!

Sleep as early as you can so that you can dream about all the pranks we can play in class and all the fun we can have at school tomorrow. Good night.

Good dreams come to those who sleep so close your eyes and go to sleep! Your dreams can’t come when you’re wide awake! Shut those peepers and get some sleep!

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789*# Thanks God all the keypads are ok… Oh, anyway…Good Night! ??

Saying Good night is not a Formality or Due to free message, It’s the art of Saying that I remember you in “My last minute of the Day” Good Night.

Hi babe, yea you bae, I’m talking to you, well just wanted to say goodnight and I love you, do not cuddle the pillows, I’m right over here in my house oops!

Twinkle, twinkle little star. How I wonder where you are? Up above the sky so high, where you are I wish you were mine. Twinkle, twinkle little star. Can I keep you near or far? Goodnight my little shining star.

Sleeping on my keyboard. If I answer, I’m talking in my sleep. Good night!

In this night I hope that you will stop using mobile and go to sleep after reading my message. Now keep the phone away and sleep well dear. Good night.

If you feel lonely in this night, think about the scary faces and ghosts. Can you see them? Good night my friend. Have a nice sleep.

I hope there are no bugs in your bed. Last time I found some. I think your bed is clean now. Now sleep, my friend. Good night.

Hey you, Yes you darling, holding the phone. You are asleep? No? Ok, good, cause I want to say good night before your eyelashes hug each other tightly.

Feel free to let your toes peek out from under the covers. No boogeyman will dare to come out with me right beside you. Bed bugs? Not with me around. Sleep well, my lovely!

Oops! Ouch I fell from bed Trying to reach my phone just to Say sweet dreams to you. Good night and Sleep tight.

A very original good night wish only for you beware of cheap duplicates I’m the only authorized dealer for good night wishes. Good night, Sweet dreams!

Did you hear about the girl who was so keen on road safety that she always wore white at night? Last Winter she was knocked down by a snow plough! Good night!

Sun wouldn’t be red, Sea wouldn’t be blue, I wouldn’t be happy, Without disturbing you! Good Night!

As the thief was leaving the house, the child woke up & said to the thief “Take my school bag also, or else I’ll wake up my mum”. Good Night!

Star light, star bright, let’s count the sheep tonight. 1-2-3 there goes 3. 4-5-6 there goes 4. 7-8-9 close your eyes. 10-11-12 sweet dreams and goodnight.

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Paylaşılmayan Bilgi Bilgi Değildir.

Good Night Messages For Boyfriend or Husband

Romantic Good Night Messages For Boyfriend

Looking for Good Night Messages for Her? Send her that romantic good night message.  All a woman is looking for is a lovely man that can be her night smooth.

It’s very important to put a smile on her before she goes to bed at night. It will make her think of you and know that she is still in your thoughts.

Your handsome boyfriend will be so happy if he get this sweet and romantic goodnight wishes from you before going to bed! Right here on this post you will get the best good night messages and sweet goodnight wishes for him which are too lovely, cute and affectionate. 

I wish someday I’ll give you a kiss in the forehead and say goodnight to you. And then you’ll take me in your arms and then I’ll close my eyes. Good night my love!

Spending each and every day with your love and your company is a wonderful experience. I love you for making me feel happy all the time. Good night!

I’m thinking of you right now because it’s a very dark and cold night. I wish you were here to give me hug & make me feel safe tonight. Good night my love!

I know that it’s kind of silly, but I’m scared of the dark when you are not around. You are my biggest protector, and I’m finding it so hard to fall asleep without you. Goodnight, baby. Can’t wait to see you.

Every time I fall asleep without you, I have terrible nightmares. I hope that you will make it stop as soon as possible. May your night be calm and peaceful, and your morning be full of joy.

I can’t fall asleep without you. Insomnia is my nemesis. You are the only one who can beat it. Can’t wait to fall into your arms and feel this warmth filling every cell of my body. Goodnight, baby.

I’m freezing here without you! How can I sleep when I don’t feel your warm hands on my skin? I just hope you are doing better than me. Wishing you the best night and even better morning.

You are always the man of my wildest dreams. Have a tight sleep. Goodnight.

Give your body and mind some rest. I want the best version of you every day. Goodnight my love. Make sure I am on your dreams.

I know right now you are thinking of me and you probably got a million things to do. But I guess you should know that the whole time you were busy, I was worried about you. So take care, ok.

Goodnight, sweet prince. May your dreams be nothing short of spectacular. You are my one true love and life’s wish. Love to you, my soul mate. Heart to heart we sleep.

Good night, to the guy who makes my days bright. Sweet dreams, to the guy whose love makes me burst out at the seams. Hugs and kisses, to the guy who makes my life seem like a bed of roses. I love you.

Go to sleep knowing you’ll be the last thing I think about and the first thing I think of when I wake up to the sun beaming down and the birds chirping.

Goodnight my love, goodnight my dear it’s just the night, though shall not fear to feel the warmth of my embrace and thank God for His grace.

Good night and sweet dreams, but your dreams cannot be sweeter than mine because I dream about the sweetest thing – about you.

I know neither of us are happy being away from each other. But still I wish you a good night sleep, because tomorrow we will be together and will have full day to cherishing our love and fulfil our dreams. Good Night my Love.

Even if I count each and every star everything still seems dull due to the fact that you’re the brightest one in my life. Good night.

Sweet Dreams my Love!! I get the sugary shivers down my spine, whenever I think about how you’re mine and I’m yours.

The sun is upset now, but the moon dances in joy. Although the sun is depressed at seeing you go, the moon gets to enjoy the whole night with you.

All I wish is that the nights when we are together would never end. When we are apart, I cannot bear it. Good night, my love.

Silent night and your dreams, Silent night as I remember you, Do you even have a clue? That I am missing you so much my love, Wish you a lovely night, Good night!

With each passing day my love for you grows, I don’t understand how it happens, but somehow I manage it, baby, I can’t wait for tomorrow to love you more. Good night.

The starlit sky looks amazing and the ambiance of the night is mesmerizing. But it is nothing as compared to how beautiful I feel from within when I am with you. Good night.

I hope you’ll see me in your dreams, love. I will do anything to make your sleep safe and peaceful. I hope that this night will bring you harmony, and in the morning you will feel one hundred percent rested. 

I miss you so much when you are not around. I know you do too. But I hope that it won’t make you restless. Have a great peaceful night and don’t forget that in the morning we will see each other again.

I wish I could kiss you right now. Did you know that it’s my favourite thing to do? May this night be peaceful and full of sweet dreams. Miss you like crazy, can’t wait to see your handsome face tomorrow.

Good night to the most amazing guy in the world.

Wishing good night to the most handsome man in the world. May you have the sweetest dream of your life tonight!

Whether you have a good time or bad, I will always be there to kiss and cuddle you when its night. Good night my love.

No matter how hard you try, your dreams can never be sweeter than mine, because I dream about YOU. Good night my sweetheart.

You look so innocent when you sleep. Every time I see you sleeping, I fall in love with you. Good night handsome. Wish you a tight sleep!

I have no other desire in life because I already have you. You are all my sweetest dreams in life that came true. Good night darling!

This message is to remind you that you are the most important thing in my life. I want to take away all your nightmares and fill your dreams with love. Have a lovely night. Sweet dreams.

I wish I could be the moon. I would give anything to watch you sleep. Your beauty is unparalleled and makes the North star seem dim. May your dreams be wonderful and your rest be plentiful.

Here is to hoping that angels will guard you while you dream and the gentle breezes of the night will keep you cool. If it is too cold, may your blankets be warm as you drift on to a gentle rest.

Do you miss me? Because I miss you so much. I wish we could be together every minute. But it’s okay, it doesn’t change the way I feel about you. I love you, and I always will. Have a very good night, baby.

It’s so funny that I’m still afraid of the dark. But when you are with me, there’s nothing I need to worry about. I can’t wait to forget about everything in your arms, feel your heart beating next to mine. Sweet dreams, baby.

I hate sleeping without you. Nights are endless when you don’t hold me, I feel so cold and alone. Let’s not sleep by ourselves anymore, it’s not something I can handle. Goodnight and see you soon, love.

Each night, I hope that the moon is large and bright and you will be happy and right. When you turn off the light, keep in mind that I am dreaming of you.

I’m trying to fall asleep, counting every star. But all of them seem dull because you are the brightest one in my life. Good night!

All I do each day is await to be with you again. My entire day revolves around the hope that I can spend my evenings in your arms again.

Know that I’m here and I will always be with you. Hand in hand and soul to soul. Close your eyes and drift off to sleep with a great, big smile. I am here, my love.

It is not just that you are a great man, but you look so innocent when you sleep. Have a tight sleep so that I can see that cute face tomorrow.

Have a good night sleep and get yourself prepared for a brilliant day. Good night my sweetheart.

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Paylaşılmayan Bilgi Bilgi Değildir.

Good Night Love Messages and Romantic Wishes

Good Night Message To My Sweetheart

You are sleeping right now and I’m thinking of you, my baby! You are the most beautiful girl I had ever meet. I’m very lucky. Goodnight my Love! Have a sweet dream!

Sorry for not always being by the side of you, sorry for not hold you right now. But keep one thing in mind that you are always in my mind dear! Good night and sweet sleep!

During the night I’m waiting for the day. Because I cannot stay without seeing you for a long time. I miss you all the time you are not with me. Good night my love! Stay well!

I’ll make sure to steal some kisses from you in your dreams tonight! Sleep tight!

Even the stars of the sky know how much I dream of you. Have a good night!

May your dreams turn prettier than flowers and sweeter than honey! Good Night!

The moon is angry at me and jealous of you because I said that no one can light my nights up instead of you. Good night.

I want to be the cool night breeze which gives you goosebumps as you sleep. Good night girl.

There are no guarantees in life except one – your kisses always give me sweetest dreams. Good night.

Before you drift off to the dreamland, think of all the good things you have done today. You always make me proud! Good night!

You are the one I think about when I’m awake, and you are the one who I dream about when I sleep. Sweet dreams, honey!

Wish I could take you in my arms right now and never let you escape from my bear hug! Sleep well tonight, my love!

This message is the document of my love! Though I cannot express my feelings, I can show a little bit by my messages. Have a sweet sleep dear! Good night!

Last night I cannot sleep well. I woke up after a minute. I thought I forgot something to do but then realized that I forgot to say you good night. Good night my love!

When I look into your eyes, I see the reflection of heaven in them. Why don’t you give them some rest now? Good night honey!

I wish I was there to make the bed for you. I wish I was there to take you to bed when you are so sleepy. I wish I could take care of you tonight. Goodnight dear!

Grab me so tight, try to feel the warmth of my love and you’ll be able to sleep peacefully every night. Good night my love!

My nights become sweeter when you are with me, sweetheart. I miss you a lot on this beautiful night. Wish you have a sound sleep tonight!

Every night before I sleep I chant my favorite letter of the alphabet – U. Good night.

This text has the following attachments – the sweetest kiss and coziest hug, the cutest cuddle and warmest snuggle. Good night.

Thinking about you is the tipping point where my nightmares end and sweet dreams begin. I love you.

When the night breeze blows my hair, I imagine they’re your kisses I can stand missing you this much. Sweet dreams baby!

My girl, I am sending you lots of hugs, A blow of kisses, And, cuddles and more, Just to show that I love you so much, Just to show that I am missing your touch I love you, Wish you a lovely night!

No matter how dark the night is, the moon of my life will always be shining with the light of a million stars. Good night my love!

When you sleep, you look so beautiful that I can’t stop staring at you. The silence of the night reminds me of how deeply I’m in love with you.

We may be far away from each other, but our souls are always connected with love, darling. Have a good night.

As I could not be there with you tonight, I asked the moon to watch over you. So go to sleep without worries! Good night my love!

Wishing for the brightest stars to guide your dreams today. Have a good night, love!

If I could list all the things I am grateful for today, you will be at the very top. Have a good night, my precious!

I am so lucky that my day starts with seeing my lover’s face and my night wraps up with her sweet voice. Good night honey I love you.

You have had a long day and now it is time to give that pretty mind some rest. Sleep well dear, good night!

Baby, today was rough and stressful for you so now you need some beauty sleep! Go to bed early tonight! I love you!

Now that I have you in my life, every day is bright, sunny and full of happiness! I love you, Good night sweetheart!

Whenever I think about how I’m yours and you’re mine, I get the sweetest shivers down my spine. Good night.

Your hugs make me feel peace, your cuddles make my worries cease, your kisses give my body a release. Good night.

No matter how hard you try, your dreams can never be sweeter than mine… because I dream about YOU. Good night.

I’m so in love with you that I don’t know anymore when my nights end and when my days begin. Good night sweet dreams my love!

I’m not afraid of turning my lights off as long as you keep coming back in my dreams every night. Goodnight dear!

Good night my love! I wish to be with you even in my dreams. Because you make them colorful for me!

I think of you every day and every night because you are the one for me. I love you so much! Good Night!

I am always comforted by the warmth of your love; I hope my affection reaches your heart too. Have a good night, dear!

My definition of ‘Love’ begins and ends with you and my days start and end with you. Good night and sweet dreams my love.

My heart misses you too much right now, so please go to sleep early and meet me in my dreams! Sweet dreams I love you!

If you need a tight hug before you sleep tonight, my love will crawl up to your heart and warm your soul. Sleep well, darling!

You are my love; you are the one who rules my heart. You are my everything. Good night my love!

Wrap your arms around me and I’ll give you what you want tonight. In return, all I want is a promise to love me forever. Good night!

Sweetheart when you turn off the lights, I see stars in my eyes. The warmth of your love makes me go crazy. Good night!

My cold bed and pillows miss your presence so much, baby. I cannot wait to meet you in my dreams tonight! Sweet dreams to you!

You rocked the world with your grace today, honey. Now have a good sleep and lift your spirits up for tomorrow! Good night my sweet love!

Darling, I hope you had a good and enjoyable day at work today. Wishing for you to have a better tomorrow. Good night baby, I love you!

When I wish you good night it means I am thinking of you right before I go to sleep and I really want you to be in my dreams tonight!

I wish I was the pillow underneath your head or the blanket that warms your bed. I wish I was everything that you need at night!

Good night dear. I wish you knew that I am praying for you that you may wake up tomorrow with no sorrow.

When the nights are dark and the times are hard; darling, don’t be afraid, because I’ll be with you through all the good and bad.
“The night seems to be falling away but my love for you can never go away, my love. Good night.”

It doesn’t matter how far you are from me; your thoughts are always with me. You are the first thing on my mind in the morning and the last thing at night.

I just have only one wish in my heart and that is, I want to be with you every night and wake up with you every morning. Good night

My days are full of you and my nights are full of your thoughts. I wish we could be together right now. Good night my dear love!

Hello baby, thank you for being the best boyfriend in the world! I fall in love with you a little bit more every day. Good night love!

“To the sweetest girl in the world who is lying in the bed and reading this message: I hope that this good night message for her will make her smile. Good night my love!”

A beautiful night like this should be spent with a beautiful person. I’m happy because I have you. Good night my love!

Missing you more than I can express, thinking of you more than you know. Sleep well!

Darling you are always on my mind. It’s too hard for me to spend these beautiful nights without you. I’m thinking of you! Good night!

Close your eyes and I hope we will meet soon in the dreamy world. Wishing you good night with so much love and a warm hug!

My love, if you get a bad dream tonight, just take a deep breath and take my name. I am always there with you. Good night!

All I wish from life is to be able to wake up next to you one day. Till then, my love will accompany you. Good night and sweet dreams my love!

You are the last thought on my mind every night, I hope I am on yours too when you drift off to your dreams. Good night honey!

Near or far wherever you are my love and caring will always be with you. Think of me when you close your eyes and I’ll come to make your dreams sweet and beautiful.

You are the person whom I love with all my heart. You are the light that I carry in my heart. Good night. I love you!

I’ll trade my entire week just to spend this beautiful night with you. I’m missing you so much. Good night, sweetheart!

Let my love be the one to warm your heart tonight. Sleep well, baby.

Can you feel me when you wrap your blanket around you? Can you see me when you close your eyes? Because I can. Goodnight dear!

Your smile makes me so crazy; your sorrow makes me so hurt. But I always want to see you happy every day and every night. So baby, good night and be happy always.

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29 Şubat 2020 Cumartesi

Good Night Message For Girlfriend or Wife

Lovely Good Night Messages For Girlfriend

Sweet Good Night Messages For Girlfriend

Make your affectionate relationship more attractive by sending these Good Night Messages For Girlfriend before going to sleep. Say goodnight to your girlfriend with sweet good night wishes that will bring pretty feelings to her mind. Make her feel the luckiest girlfriend of the world and greet her good night with some special and romantic words which will be the sweetest way to say goodnight.

Whatever you need good night SMS for girlfriend or good night text for her, these goodnight messages are perfect for that.

Romantic Good Night Messages for Girlfriend

The Earth moves around the sun, it’s an eternal truth. Just like our bond, it is also eternal. I miss you a lot. Have a nice sleep and beautiful dream. Good Night my dear!

Sweetheart! I cannot wait any longer to be in your arms. My wish will come true one day that we wake up together in the morning. Till then Good Night!

When I go to bed I miss something. That is you, dear! So, I take my cell phone and send you a text. Have a sweet dream my love, Good Night!

The last person I think of while going to the bed is you! Have a lovely sleep with sweet dreams Sweetheart! Good Night!

As the day turns into night, keep your worries out of sight. Close your eyes and go to sleep, for all the good times are yours to keep. Sweetest dreams!

I just cannot believe an angel like you is sleeping beside me. Right now, I want to pinch myself once to be sure that it’s not a dream. Good night my love.

If you ever get scared after having a nightmare, don’t be afraid because I am always beside you. Just hold me tight. Good night.

I want you to have the sweetest and happiest dream every night. Good night my sweetheart.

When you sleep, it seems to me that you are one of the flowers that bloom at night. Good night my flower.

Starry starry night… But the only thing I can think of is you. You are prettier than all of the stars and the Moon herself. I am the happiest man alive because I have you. Have a very good night, love.

Nights without you are the worst. I wish I was with you right now, holding you tight. May this night be peaceful and filled with beautiful harmony. Can’t wait to see you, baby. Goodnight.  

Just like the sun and moon are destined to rise in their particular time. I am destined to be with you forever. I miss you a lot. Have a nice sleep with beautiful dreams. Good night.

I don’t want to be your blanket in which you snuggle, I don’t want to be your sheets on which you wriggle. I just want to be the guy with whom, you can do all those things together and cuddle. Good night.

Marshmallow clouds and fluffy puppies, chocolate trains and golden cars, may your imagination go wild and your dreams are full of the most amazing fun! Good night my love!

Put your right hand on your left shoulder and your left hand on your right. It is a hug for you before you fall asleep. Good night sweet dreams.

I miss you every second of my life. You are all that I have ever wanted, and spending these nights without you is such a nightmare. I will never let you go, baby. Have a very peaceful night. 

No nightmare can attack your peaceful sleep, because I will protect it each and every night till the end of time. I love you to the Moon and back, baby. Have a rest. Goodnight. 

I hope you are having the best sleep tonight. I’m feeling so happy thinking that tomorrow will be a new day in my life with you still in it. Good night my love!

Nights are filled with magic & mystery. Let’s make it more magical tonight with the spell of our love. Good night my sweetheart!

Good Night Wishes for Lover

You and I, are two souls made for each other and destined for the heaven of love. Together we will make the greatest love story ever. Good night!

One last look at your face before the lights are off, helps me sleep well and keeps my heart beating. I love you so much. Have a tight sleep tonight!

I said to the moon that you are not the one who lightens up my nights. He asked angrily, then who? I said only my cute and sweet girlfriend could light up my nights. Good Night.

At night when air blows my hairs, I supposed they are your kisses, Missing you too much my love! Good Night!

The day is busy enough to keep me occupied. In the quiet of the night, I begin to really miss you. Goodnight sweetheart.

There may be a billion yesterdays and a trillion tomorrows, but there is only ever one today. I would never let one day pass without letting you know that I am thinking of you.

Your boyfriend has a love-hate relationship with the night. He hates it because he can’t be with you, but he loves it because he can dream about you endlessly.

While looking at this blissful night with romantic moonlight and a cool breeze with glitters of stars up in the sky. I can only wish that you would have been with me. Good Night. I love you so much babe.

Behind your eyes lies a world full of colors and every beautiful thing that is connected to your lovely heart. Sleep tight and meet me in dreams. I am waiting for you sweetheart.

Feel free to let your toes peek out from under the covers. No boogeyman will dare to come out with me right beside you. Bedbugs? Not with me around. Sleep well, my lovely!

Even though I can’t be with you right now, you are the only thing I can think of. Every time I close my eyes, I see your beautiful face. I just can’t help it. I hope we will see each other in our dreams. Goodnight, baby.

I feel happy because I have someone to think of every night before I go to sleep. Not many people have the luck as mine. Good night!

I am sending you a kiss tonight but you’ll have it in your dream. So, sleep now or you may just miss the timing. Good night sweetie!

I don’t care how hard the day turns out for me as long as I get to hold you all night long and wake up with you. Good night, for now, my love.

Sometimes you whisper in your sleep. Although I can never understand what you say but it makes me want to cuddle you more. Good night darling.

Even after a hectic day, I feel like I have so much to talk with you. But I guess, you’re craving for a good sleep more than anything right now. Good night!

As the clock ticks away to midnight, I just want to say that you are the prettiest and the most beautiful girl in the whole universe. I love you, good night.

I don’t dream about you, because I can never fall asleep thinking about you. Good night sweetie!

There are thousands of stars in the sky that shine, but for me, you are the brighter and most shinier. I love you with all my heart. Have a nice sleep with lots of beautiful dreams. Good night.

Your cozy bed is looking for you to come and embrace it. Go to sleep and dream about all the fairy tales that define my angel. Good Night and sweet dreams. I love you loads.

Sometimes I may be alone, maybe sleepy but that cannot restrict me from sending you lovely messages, sweetie! I will keep doing this until the night we are together with each other!

The last person that I remember while going to sleep is the one that is reading this text. I miss you a lot, my girl. Good Night. Have sweet and sour dreams!

good night for her sms

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28 Şubat 2020 Cuma

instagram biyografi sözleri ingilizce

İnstagram Durum Sözleri

You can’t change what’s going on around you until you start changing what’s going on with you. İçinde olup bitenleri değiştirmeden etrafında olup bitenleri değiştiremezsin.

If you’re reading this, congrats you know how to read. Eğer bunu okuyabiliyorsanız, tebrikler okumayı biliyorsunuz.

I love to walk in fog, Because nobody knows i am smoking. Sisin içinde yürümeyi severim, çünkü kimse sigara içtiğimi farketmiyor.

The future depends on what we do in the present. Gelecek, şimdiki zamanda ne yaptığımıza bağlıdır. Mahatma Gandi

God sometimes removes people from your life to protect you… Don’t run after them. Tanrı bazen sizi korumak için hayatınızdan bazı insanları çıkarır. Peşlerinden koşmayın.

Believe deep down in your heart that you’re destined to do great things. Kalbinizde derinlere inin, harika şeyler yapmaya muktedir olduğunuza inanın.

Everyone wants, happiness. No one wants, pain. But you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain. pekguzelsozler.com Herkes mutluluk ister. Hiç kimse acı istemez. Fakat gökkuşağını görebilmek için biraz yağmur gereklidir.

Be an encourager, the world has enough critics already. Cesaret vericilerden ol, dünyada zaten yeterince eleştirici insan var.

Always give your best never worry for results. Daima elinden gelenin en iyisini yap, sonuç için endişelenme.

Education is the most powerful weapon which u can use to change the world. Eğitim dünyayı değiştirmek için kullanabileceğiniz en güçlü silahtır.

My life is in under construction.
Hayatım, yapım aşamasında.

Time never comes again.
Zaman asla geri gelmez.

If life’s a journey i am a traveler.
Hayat yolculuksa ben bir gezginim.

Memories last forever.
Anılar sonsuza kadar sürer.

Happiness is to love and to be loved.
Mutluluk sevmek ve sevilmektir.

Tell the truth and then run. (Doğruyu söyle ve kaç.)

Love is the beauty of the soul. (Aşk ruhun güzelliğidir.)

To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often. (Değişmek gelişmektir; sık değişmek ise mükemmel olmaktır.)

Men never remember, but women never forget. (Erkekler hatırlamaz, kadınlar ise asla unutmaz.)

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. (Birinin bulutunda gökkuşağı olmaya çalışın.)

Stop talking about darkness and light a candle. (Karanlık hakkında konuşmayı bırakın, bir mum yakın.)

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. (Dalgasız deniz asla usta bir denizci yetiştiremez.)

I have nothing to lose,but something to gain. (Kaybedecek bir şeyim yok fakat kazanacak bir şey var.)

Follow your heart and see where you land. (Kalbinizi takip edin ve nereye gideceğini görün.)

I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy saving mode. (Ben tembel değilim, sadece tasarruf modundayım.)

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. (Aklın gerçek kaynağı bilgi değil hayal gücüdür.)

Like stars in the sky, I shine at night. Gökyüzündeki yıldızlar gibi gece parlarım.

Sometimes being stupid is also good.
Bazen aptal olmak da iyidir.

i’ll see you in the dark side of the moon. Seni, ayın karanlık tarafında göreceğim.

Beautiful minds inspire others.
Güzel akıllar diğerlerine ilham verir.

Eventually, everything goes away.
Sonunda herşey ortadan kaybolur.

Age doesn’t always bring wisdom. Sometimes age comes alone. (Yaşlanmak her zaman yanında bilgelik getirmiyor. Bazen de tek başına çıkageliyor.)

Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. (Her başarı denemeye karar vermekle başlar.)

One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing. (Tek bildiğim şey, hiçbir şey bilmediğimdir.)

I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think. (Hiç kimseye bir şey öğretemem, sadece onların düşünmesini sağlayabilirim.)

When you’re finished changing, you’re finished. (Değişmen bittiği zaman, sen de bitmişsin demektir.)

No bees, no honey; no work, no money. (Arı yok, bal yok; iş yok, para yok.) 

God sometimes removes people from your life to protect you… Don’t run after them.
Tanrı bazen sizi korumak için hayatınızdan bazı insanları çıkarır. Peşlerinden koşmayın.

Believe deep down in your heart that you’re destined to do great things.
Kalbinizde derinlere inin, harika şeyler yapmaya muktedir olduğunuza inanın.

Everyone wants, happiness. No one wants, pain. But you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.

Herkes mutluluk ister. Hiç kimse acı istemez. Fakat gökkuşağını görebilmek için biraz yağmur gereklidir.

You can’t change what’s going on around you until you start changing what’s going on with you.
İçinde olup bitenleri değiştirmeden etrafında olup bitenleri değiştiremezsin.

A heart that loves is always young. (Seven bir kalp her zaman gençtir.)

I don’t trust words, I trust actions. (Kelimelere güvenmem, eylemlere güvenirim.)

Enjoy the little hings in life, because one day you will look back and realize they were the big things. (Hayatta küçük şeylerin keyfini çıkarın. Çünkü bir gün geriye dönüp bakacak ve aslında büyük şeyler olduğunu fark edeceksiniz.)

Wealth is the slave of wise man. The master of a fool. (Zenginlik, bir bilgenin kölesi, bir aptalın efendisidir)

You can’t have a better tomorrow if you are thinking about yesterday all the time. (Her daim dünü düşünüyorsan, daha iyi bir yarına sahip olamazsın)

A person starts dying when they stop dreaming. (Bir insan hayal kurmayı bıraktığı zaman ölmeye başlar)

Always give your best never worry for results. Daima elinden gelenin en iyisini yap, sonuç için endişelenme.

Education is the most powerful weapon which u can use to change the world.
Eğitim dünyayı değiştirmek için kullanabileceğiniz en güçlü silahtır.

The future depends on what we do in the present.
Gelecek, şimdiki zamanda ne yaptığımıza bağlıdır. Mahatma Gandi

God sometimes removes people from your life to protect you… Don’t run after them.
Tanrı bazen sizi korumak için hayatınızdan bazı insanları çıkarır. Peşlerinden koşmayın.

Believe deep down in your heart that you’re destined to do great things.
Kalbinizde derinlere inin, harika şeyler yapmaya muktedir olduğunuza inanın.

People who touch your heart are always with you. Kalbine dokunan insanlar, daima yanındadır.

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud. Birinin bulutunda gökkuşağı olmaya çalışın.

Stop talking about darkness and light a candle. Karanlık hakkında konuşmayı bırakın, bir mum yakın.

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. Dalgasız deniz asla usta bir denizci yetiştiremez.

I have nothing to lose,but something to gain. Kaybedecek bir şeyim yok fakat kazanacak birşey var.

Follow your heart and see where you land. Kalbinizi takip edin ve nereye gideceğini görün.

I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy saving mode. Ben tembel değilim, sadece tasarruf modundayım.

Train your mind to see the good in every situation. Her durumda iyiyi görmek için zihnini eğit.

My secrets of life is a book any one can take a look. Hayat sırlarım kimsenin bakamayacağı bir kitaptır.

Stop talking about darkness and light a candle. Karanlık hakkında konuşmayı bırakın, bir mum yakın.

A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor. Dalgasız deniz asla usta bir denizci yetiştiremez.

Follow your heart and see where you land. Kalbinizi takip edin ve nereye gideceğini görün.

I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy saving mode. Ben tembel değilim, sadece tasarruf modundayım.

Train your mind to see the good in every situation.
Her durumda iyiyi görmek için zihnini eğit.

My secrets of life is a book any one can take a look.
Hayat sırlarım kimsenin bakamayacağı bir kitaptır.

I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy saving mode. Ben tembel değilim, sadece tasarruf modundayım.

Enjoy every single moment in your. life Hayatınızdaki her anın tadını çıkarın.

Pictures are worth a thousand words. Resimler bin söze değerdir.

Like stars in the sky, I shine at night. Gökyüzündeki yıldızlar gibi gece parlarım.

Sometimes being stupid is also good. Bazen aptal olmak da iyidir.

i’ll see you in the dark side of the moon. Seni, ayın karanlık tarafında göreceğim.

Beautiful minds inspire others. Güzel akıllar diğerlerine ilham verir.

Life’s a game, let’s make a high score. Hayat bir oyun, hadi en yüksek puanı alalım.

Eventually, everything goes away. Sonunda herşey ortadan kaybolur.

I know I haven’t changed but I’m not the same. Değişmediğimi biliyorum ama aynı değilim.

Hey, This is latest entry into instagram world. Hey bu instagram dünyasına son giriş.

Always keep smiling. Her zaman gülümse.

My big afraid to losing you. (Seni kaybetmekten çok korkuyorum.)

Enjoy every single moment in your life.  (Hayatınızdaki her anın tadını çıkarın.)

Life must go on. ( Hayat devam etmeli.)

Don’t worry, be Happy! (Endişelenme, Mutlu ol!)

Battery about to die.( Pil bitmek üzere.)

My life is in under construction. (Hayatım, yapım aşamasında.)

Always give your best never worry for results. Daima elinden gelenin en iyisini yap, sonuç için endişelenme.

Education is the most powerful weapon which u can use to change the world.
Eğitim dünyayı değiştirmek için kullanabileceğiniz en güçlü silahtır.

The future depends on what we do in the present.
Gelecek, şimdiki zamanda ne yaptığımıza bağlıdır. Mahatma Gandi

Happiness is to love and to be loved. Mutluluk sevmek ve sevilmektir.

My big afraid to losing you. Seni kaybetmekten çok korkuyorum.

Love conquers all. Aşk herşeyi fetheder.

Two faced peoples. İki yüzlü insanlar.

You can do anythink. Just get up and do it. Her şeyi yapabilirsin. Sadece kalk ve yap!

Pictures are worth a thousand words. ( Resimler bin söze değerdir.)

Train your mind to see the good in every situation. (Her durumda iyiyi görmek için zihnini eğit.)

My secrets of life is a book any one can take a look. (Hayat sırlarım kimsenin bakamayacağı bir kitaptır.)

I’m not lazy, I’m just on energy saving mode. (Ben tembel değilim, sadece tasarruf modundayım.)

Be an encourager, the world has enough critics already.
Cesaret vericilerden ol, dünyada zaten yeterince eleştirici insan var.

If you’re reading this, congrats you know how to read.
Eğer bunu okuyabiliyorsanız, tebrikler okumayı biliyorsunuz.

I love to walk in fog, Because nobody knows i am smoking.
Sisin içinde yürümeyi severim, çünkü kimse sigara içtiğimi farketmiyor.

Be an encourager, the world has enough critics already. (Cesaret vericilerden ol, dünyada zaten yeterince eleştirici insan var.)

If you’re reading this, congrats you know how to read. (Eğer bunu okuyabiliyorsanız, tebrikler okumayı biliyorsunuz.)

I love to walk in fog, Because nobody knows i am smoking. )Sisin içinde yürümeyi severim, çünkü kimse sigara içtiğimi farketmiyor.)

Time never comes again.( Zaman asla geri gelmez.)

If life’s a journey i am a traveler. (Hayat yolculuksa ben bir gezginim.)

Memories last forever. (Anılar sonsuza kadar sürer.)

Happiness is to love and to be loved. (Mutluluk sevmek ve sevilmektir.)

I know I haven’t changed but I’m not the same. Değişmediğimi biliyorum ama aynı değilim.

Hey, This is latest entry into instagram world. Hey bu instagram dünyasına son giriş.

People who touch your heart are always with you.
Kalbine dokunan insanlar, daima yanındadır.

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.
Birinin bulutunda gökkuşağı olmaya çalışın.

Life must go on. Hayat devam etmeli.

Don’t worry, be Happy! Endişelenme, Mutlu ol!

Battery about to die. Pil bitmek üzere.

My life is in under construction. Hayatım, yapım aşamasında.

Time never comes again. Zaman asla geri gelmez.

If life’s a journey i am a traveler. Hayat yolculuksa ben bir gezginim.

Memories last forever. Anılar sonsuza kadar sürer.

A mother’s heart is always with her children. (Bir annenin kalbi her zaman çocuğuyla birliktedir.)

He who opens a school door, closes a prison. (Her kim ki bir okul kapısı açar, o kişi bir hapishane kapatır.)

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. (Herşeyde bir güzellik vardır, ama herkes bunu göremez.)

Advertising is legalized lying. (Reklam yasallaşmış yalan söylemektir.)

“The intensity in your eyes burns my pen as I write. (Bakışlarındaki yoğunluk, ben yazarken kalemimi yakıyor.)

They can kill the dreamer, but they can never kill the dream. (Hayalperesti öldürebilirler ama hayali asla.)

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. (Gitmeye değer yerler için hiçbir kestirme yol yoktur.)

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25 Şubat 2020 Salı

instagram resimli sözler

Sadece gülüşümü yakala öfkem sana ağır gelir.

Ara sıra kullan o beynini. Yan etkisi yokmuş.

Yüz verip adam ettiysem, sıfırla çarpar yok ederim.

Otobüsün bile peşinden koşmadım. Sen kimsin?

Acılarım katlanılmaz değil ama bir de tuz basanı var.

Neyini olduğun gibi kabul edeyim, olmamışsın ki!

Gözler yalan söylemez! Geçen günler geriye gelmez.

Yanlışım vara susarım. Ama haklıysam, haddimi aşar lafımı sokarım.

İnsanlar da fotoğraf gibi; ne kadar büyütürsen o kadar düşüyor kalitesi.

Gidiyor musun? Git! Soytarısı terk etti diye kralın sarayı yıkılmaz.

Ne mi yapıyorum? Alçalan insanların, yükselen değerlerinden uzak duruyorum.

Biz gönlümüzde ne gemiler batırdık. Kıçı kırık bir sandalın lafı mı olur.

Oturur sana şerefi anlatırdım ama kaybettiği bir şeyi dinlemek ağır gelir insana.

Kırık testi su tutmaz, gevşek dost sır tutmaz.

Eğer bir beynin olsaydı, tehlikeli olabilirdin.

Karakterin kadar konuşta biraz kafa dinleyelim!

İnsanlara saygım sonsuz ama sabrım sınırlı!

Başkalarını kirleterek kendini temizleyemezsin.

Aklımdakileri taşımak için kamyon tutacağım.

Gelmeni beklemedim, gitmeni beklemediğim gibi.

Rakıya sormuşlar ne işe yararsın diye. Delikanlıyı susturur, soytarıyı coştururum demiş.

Piyangonun sana çıkmadığına çok şaşırdım halbuki bütün numaralar sendeydi.

Kişiliğinde şeref yoksa eğer ne kadar başın dik yürürsen yürü, gökyüzü dahi yüzüne tükürür.

Eğer niyetin yoksa adam gibi sevmeye, ben de mecbur değilim çocuk büyütmeye.

İnceldiği yerden koparmam ben, en sağlam yerinden koparırım ki karşımdakinin içine otursun.

İnsanlara daha ne kadar salak olabilirsin diye sormayın. Yarış zannedip sınırı zorlayanlar var.

Hesabını veremeyeceğiniz işlere kalkışmayın. Çünkü öteki tarafta bulaşık yıkatmıyorlar. İlhan Berk

İçimdeki çocuk ne ne zaman düşse ‘acımadı ki’ diyecek kadar hayatı çok seviyor, sen çelme takmışsın çok mu!

Aklımı almaya aklın yetmez. Uğraşmaya sabrın yetmez. Ben kendimden bu kadar eminken alayı gelsin hiç fark etmez!

Popüler olmaya çalıştığınız kadar karakterli olmaya çalışsaydınız sadece durumlarınız değil insanlığınız da beğenilirdi!

Bir ahmağın sizi öpmesine izin verebilirsiniz, ancak bir öpücük yüzünden ahmağa dönüşüyorsanız durum çok vahim demektir.

Bir adam ayrıldığı kızın arkasından ‘zaten hiç sevmedim’ diyorsa; Cümlenin başındaki adam kelimesi için özür dilerim.

Kendini bir bok sananlar; emin olun sandığınız gibisiniz.

Doğru olanı yaptığımda kaybettiğim kim varsa; yolu açık olsun!

Şimdi sahne senin devam et. Ama sıra bana gelmesin dua et!

Sende haklısın. Adamlığın kadar konuş dedim diye bu susmalar.

Kendi eksikliklerine bakmadan başkalarında mucizeler arama.

Erkeklerin hepsi öküz değil, sen ahırın kapısında dolaşıyorsun güzelim.

Ara sıra kullan o beynini. Yan etkisi yokmuş.

Geç kalınmış bir sevgi, idamdan sonraki affa benzer.

Neyini olduğun gibi kabul edeyim, olmamışsın ki!

Doğru olanı yaptığımda kaybettiğim kim varsa; yolu açık olsun!

Önce gülüşüm koyar, sonra da tekmem. Anlatabildim mi?

Otopsi raporunda fesatlığından öldü yazacak insanlar tanıyorum!

Kendi eksikliklerine bakmadan başkalarında mucizeler arama.

Bir zamanlar toz konduramadıklarım, şimdi kirden görünmez olmuş.

Aramızda mesafe yok basamak var canım. İki ego ineceksin beş kalite çıkacaksın!

İnsan iki insanın yüzünü unutmaz; ihtiyaç anında yanında olanı, zor zamanda yalnız bırakanı.

Bazıları o kadar hızlı laf taşıyor ki bütün kargo şirketleri bir araya gelse hızlarına yetişemez!

Benim kusurlarım çok değerli galiba; millet kendi kusurlarından çok benim kusurlarımla ilgileniyor.

Gideceksen git! İnan beddua bile etmem sana. Bilemem çünkü isabet eder mi ikiyüzlü suratına?

Aşk acısı taşımayan yürek; ya deliye aittir ya ölüye.

Gözlerinde yaş yoksa ruhun gökkuşağına sahip olamaz.

Gidişine illa bir isim konulacaksa; mal kaybı diyelim.

Gölgene lafım yok, o da seni adam sanıp peşinden geliyor.

Doğru bildiğim şeyleri yaparak, kaybettiğim kim varsa, yolu açık olsun!

Kimsenin önünde hazır olda durmadım, bundan sonra da rahat durmam!

Allah düşmanımın bile karakterlisini nasip etsin. Kahpesi hiç çekilmiyor.

Ben cümlelerime bir kez nokta koyarım. O nokta sana kaç kez koyar bilemem!

Simetri hastalığım var benim, yamuk insanlara tahammül edemiyorum!

Canım ben seni ciddiye alıp nefret bile etmiyorum sen niye bu kadar takıldın bana!

Sen sen ol hiçbir zaman büyük konuşma sonra at gibi gider it gibi dönersin!

Boşuna uğraşmayın; ana sütüyle adam olmayan kişi inek sütüyle ancak öküz olur.

Hani hiç gitmeyecektin, erkek sözü vermiştin. Ne oldu, çükünü mü kestiler?

Ya geç karşıma ortalığı sevginle inlet ya da çekil kenara adam gibi nasıl sevilir seyret.

Zamana bırakma. Çünkü o kimseyi sağ bırakmadı. Hala sağken bir daha dene!

Bazıları haddini aşıp hayatıma burnunu sokarsa; bende saygımı aşıp itinayla lafımı sokarım.

Siz kumarda kazanan aşkta kaybeder yalanına inanın! Unutmayın ki; kumarda kazananlar aşkı satın alıyorlar.

Dünyaya cinsiyetin erkek olarak gelebilirsin ama adam olmadıktan sonra sende benim bacımsın.

Ben ortaya yazar paylaşırım, alan alsın hatta bir alana bir tane de bedava olsun!

Paşalar gibi geldiğin karşılandığın yüreğimden, soytarı gibi gitmeyi de elbet öğrenirsin.

Bazıları insan olmayı beceremiyor, zorlamamak gerek, çünkü malzeme yetersiz!

Sahtekar insanlar, sahte cümleler kurar, sahte sahte gülümser ve sahte birliktelikler kurar.

Geldiğin kadar değil göründüğün kadar mutlusun. Ve sakın unutma gittiğin kadar değil hak ettiğin kadar unutulursun.

Bazı insanlara verebileceğin en büyük değer isimlerinin baş harfini büyük yazmak olur. Gerisine inanın değmezler.

Spor araban olmuş yatın katın olmuş hiç umurumda değil. En pahalı elbiselerde olsa üstünde insanlığı giyemedikten sonra çıplaksın gözümde.

Gerçekten seviyorsan hiçbir şeyi mazeret etmeyeceksin. Gerçekten seviyorsan eğer sonuna kadar değil, sonsuza kadar seveceksin.

Sahip olamadığım bir şey varsa, yeterince istemediğim içindir.

Kendi çapımda yazarım ben, ucunun değdiği yerler beni ilgilendirmez!

Benim gözümün kaldırma kuvveti yoktur. Düştün mü o an bitersin!

Navigasyona karaktersiz yazsam senin adresin çıkar hala konuşuyorsun!

Biz gönlümüzde ne gemiler batırdık. Kıçı kırık bir sandalın lafı mı olur.

Şarap gibi kadın olsan kaç yazar, yanındaki adam turşu olduktan sonra!

Sitemizdeki tüm içerikler sadece bilgilendirmek içindir.
Size bir iyilik isteyebilir miyiz? Bu sayfayı sizin için yararlı olduğu takdirde paylaşabilir misiniz? Teşekkürler!

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